Le moment tech Avril 2020

Dans le cadre de leur veille, les devs d'Anybox mettent en lumière des librairies et autres outils python, mais pas que.

Voici leurs propositions pour ce mois d'Avril.


Open-source builders, find open-source alternatives for your favorite apps
Extrait de la page d'accueil d'Open-source builders
Eclipse de retour dans la compet' IDE modernes avec Theia qui se positionne en concurrent direct de VSCode, en proposant une architecture plus modulaire, du vrai opensource et surtout une compatibilité avec les extensions existantes VSCode


Dos and don'ts in open source  
Do: keep emotions out
Do: call out bad actors
Do: stick to the template
Do: invest in collaborators
Do: mute and unsubscribe at will
Don't: use "good first contribution" labels
Don't: make promises
Don't: talk negatively about other projects

Moteur de recherche

MeiliSearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy #search engine. Both searching and indexing are highly customizable. Features such as typo-tolerance, filters, and synonyms are provided out-of-the-box. #rust
Meili helps the Rust community find crates on crates.meilisearch.com


deadlinks, Chercheur de liens morts en #python. Pourrait être amusant à intégrer dans une étape de CI après un déploiement de site statique/documentation.
Git Command Explorer , find the right #git commands you need without digging through the web.
Page d'accueil de Git command explorer
Human Programming Interface (HPI), In short, this package provides programmatic access to my personal data and knowledge. Gory details of getting #data, parsing, etc. are abstracted away and you get nice and familiar #Python objects. It makes it easier to access, work with, analyze and combine data and leverage on existing libraries for data analysis like Pandas, Matplotlib, etc.
Ignoring bulk change commits with git blame , A long-standing objection to making bulk changes to code using automated tools (e.g. to conform to a given code style) is that it clutters the output of #git blame. With git 2.23, this does not have to be the case anymore!
showthedocs, showthedocs is a #documentation browser that finds the relevant docs for your code. It works by parsing the code and connecting parts of it to their explanation in the docs.

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