Le moment tech de Décembre 2020

Dans le cadre de leur veille, les développeurs d'Anybox mettent en lumière les bibliothèques et autres outils python, mais pas que.
Pants v2 is a fast, scalable build system for growing codebases. It's currently focused on Python, with support for other languages coming soon. #python #rust

Quelques astuces avec Gitlab CI, extends
pour éviter les répétitions, include
pour "templatiser" vos projets, les anchors YAML, éviter les "-" pour déclarer des commandes, Inclure des fonctions shell #gitlab #devops
Mobilizon est un outil en ligne pour vous aider à gérer vos événements, vos profils et vos groupes. Mobilizon a été conçu comme un outil pratique, qui respecte votre attention, votre autonomie et vos libertés.
Ryven, a simple flow-based visual scripting runtime environment for Python, serving as a diagram-like representation of your Python script while being executable at the same time. #python

Postgres Observability #postgresql

Creating a business IT architecture has many benefits. However creating a complete architecture is known to be: Difficult, Time consuming
Of course many tools have been developed the last 30 years to make creating architecture (documents) easier. However many tools force you into a very tight harness without the needed flexibility. Complex problems need flexible solutions and tools should not slow you down in creating sketches, documents and typical architecture deliverables. A one size fits all tool for solving complex business IT problems does not exist. And since creating good architectures is knowledge intensive work that delivers real value for business you should be aware of vendor lock-ins and using methods and tools that do not share knowledge sharing. Open Source tools and open access documentation offer a default head start for reuse and improvement of knowledge work in IT architecture.
You can buy and read many many books on how to do architecture well. All books claim a magic method and promise ultimate success when followed. We love books and reading methods. E.g. TOGAF. However this playbook is different. This architecture playbook is not about describing how you should create your architecture. You are free to use every method you want. This architecture playbook is all about giving you direct usable content and tools that you can use and reuse for your architecture challenge.
So this playbook brings you ultimate freedom and flexibility. You can export the results from certain tools in any desired format. In this way you can still use your architecture enterprise tool(s) that you already have invested deeply in. So use the outcome of tools within this playbook in combination with the enterprise architecture tool that are mandatory within your organisation.
Checkov is a static code analysis tool for infrastructure-as-code.
It scans cloud infrastructure provisioned using Terraform, Cloudformation, Kubernetes, Serverless or ARM Templates and detects security and compliance misconfigurations. #kubernetes #devops

Extension BBB pour nextcloud #nextcloud #BigBlueButton
Gitlab, depuis la version 12.9 la visualisation du coverage pour les MergeRequest est intégrée a gitlab. #gitlab
Scrum guide 2020, c'est maintenant ! (version française) #scrum
- problématique : Comment construire rapidement une interface web ?
- Orienté utility-first Tailwind permet de construire progressivement ses composants "empilant" des styles simples
Le billet qui accompagne la nouvelle version : https://blog.tailwindcss.com/tailwindcss-v2
The Rust Performance Book #rust
Ventoy, a new bootable usb solution
Dev Fonts, pour comparer rapidement des dizaines de typo (+ des thèmes) et fignoler le paramétrage de son éditeur de texte #typo
Upptime, GitHub-powered open-source uptime monitor and status page. Utiliser les pipelines de sa CI pour mettre en place un outil de surveillance de sites. #monitoring
Traceback_with_variables , adds variables to python traceback. Simple, lightweight, controllable. Debug reasons of exceptions by logging or pretty printing colorful variable contexts for each frame in a stacktrace, showing every value. Dump locals environments after errors to console, files, and loggers. Works in Jupyter and IPython. Install with pip or conda. #python #debug