Le moment tech Mars 2020

Dans le cadre de leur veille, les developpeurs d'Anybox mettent en lumière, les librairies et autres outils python mais pas que. Cela fait l'objet d'un partage sur les réseaux sociaux.

Voici la liste des projets sur lesquels nous avons communiqué.


excalidraw is a #whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.
Extrait d'excalidraw


emeryberger/scalene is a high-performance CPU and memory #profiler for #Python that does a few things that other Python profilers do not and cannot do. It runs orders of magnitude faster than other profilers while delivering far more detailed information.


canop/broot, A better way to navigate directories
extrait arborescence broot avec mention du status git des fichiers
juancarlospaco/faster-than-requests, Faster-than-Requests, «Faster requests on Python 3»
extrait requêtes via juancarlospaco/faster-than-requests
karlicoss/cachew, persistent cache/serialization powered by type hints.
#python #performance
Kozea/wdb, wdb An improbable web debugger through WebSockets  https://github.com/Kozea/wdb.
onelivesleft/PrettyErrors,  prettify Python exception output to make it legible.
Comparaison d'un message d'erreur sans/avec PrettyError
liyasthomas/postwoman, offre une interface ergonomique pour interroger vos API.  Une alternative libre à Postman.  
#productivité #api
Extrait de postwoman
pschanely/CrossHair, static analysis tool for #Python that blurs the line between #testing and #typing systems. you have functions with type annotations and add some checks in a PEP 316-inspired syntax, CrossHair will attempt to find counterexamples.
Duplicate list CrossHair
snowpack, with Snowpack you can build modern web apps without a bundler (like #Webpack, #Parcel, #Rollup). No more waiting for your bundler to rebuild your site every time you hit save. Instead, every change is reflected in the browser instantly.
tilix, advanced GTK3 tiling #terminal emulator that follows the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines.
fonctionnalités de tilix
hawkowl/towncrier, ou crieur public en français. Cet outil vous évite l'étape fastidieuse de relecture d'un historique Git en résumant les évolutions; sorte de changelog++.  
#python #productivité #devops
ward, Ward A modern Python test framework designed to help you find and fix flaws faster.
#python #tests
wily, une application pour suivre la complexité du code Python dans les tests et les applications.
zalando/patroni, a Template for PostgreSQL HA with ZooKeeper, etcd or Consul https://github.com/zalando/patroni
#HA #postgreSQL

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